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Sun Valley's Top Articles of 2022

Self | Attie Murphy | 4 mins

I am so grateful that I get to share my love of Jesus through Sun Valley. Every article I've written or reviewed has encouraged me to grow, and I sincerely hope this content has done the same for you! As I seek new words to share, I soak in God's guidance more consistently. To follow Jesus is to apply His teaching, which means exploring what that looks like in our modern world. Creating this content inspires me to go deeper into His Word and think about what it means to love others.

If you're new here, I want you to know that we're here for you. All of Sun Valley's content is about loving God and loving people - and you are one of those people. We want to reach you in whatever stage of life you're going through. To reflect that, I decided to highlight the most-read article from each of our "Read" categories. Don’t forget to bookmark your favorites, share with friends, and check out more on the “Read” page!

Without further ado, here are some of Sun Valley's top articles of 2022: 

Answers: Why Should I Believe in God? 

What evidence is there for intelligent design? Does believing in God genuinely benefit our lives? When we acknowledge our Creator, everything we experience gains new meaning. This article dives into the causes of doubt and the reasons for faith. 

Self: What Are Your Spiritual Gifts? 

Do you know what a "spiritual gift" is? God calls us to share the Gospel, and He gives us unique tools to do so. It's not about working our way to God; it's about reaching others through our closeness to Him. Read this article to learn what the Bible says about spiritual gifts and how to discern yours.

Relationships: 4 Single People in the Bible and What They Did

If you're single, you aren't waiting for your life to begin. God's plans don't depend on your relationship status. The Bible shows us all kinds of people who left legacies through their actions. They changed the world by trusting God and sharing His grace. No matter where we are in life, we all have a lot to learn from these examples. 

For parents: "How to Teach Your Kids About Grace" is the runner-up! 

Money: What Does the Bible Say About Debt? 

In this article, finance expert Grant Botma answers a question that affects many of us. Debt is not a black-and-white topic in the Bible, but it is an important topic. God tells us what makes debt harmful and how we can apply wisdom to our finances. Everything we gain comes from God's blessings, and we should point to Him with what we manage. 

Work: How to Stay Focused Through Summer 

You can replace the word "summer" with anything that distracts you from work. The practical tips in this article come from personal experience and proven research. God tells us to put our best into our work because it's for our good. We all get cases of FOMO sometimes, but we enjoy life more when we embrace contentment in our responsibilities. 

Thank you to all of you who read and share! We love that we have the opportunity to help more people meet, know, and follow Jesus through our “Read” page and beyond! Also, a special shout out to all of our wonderful guest authors who contribute impactful insight!

Written By

Attie Murphy

An avid writer since the age of 5, who loves to explore new ideas and places. Inspired by Jesus, books, and travel.

Published on Jan 27, 2023