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Reading the Bible With Your Spouse

Relationships | Attie Murphy | 4 mins

What does quality time with your spouse look like to you? If you're not yet married, what do you want that time to include? What habits will strengthen your relationship with each other and help you grow as individuals? If you and your spouse follow Jesus or are learning about Christianity, the Bible is probably a part of your conversations. However, reading often feels like a private experience unless you work through a group study or exchange specific verses. Even with your spouse, it may seem intrusive to share intimate time in God's Word. Something to remember is: Real development happens outside your comfort zone. If going deep into the Bible with your spouse is intimidating, that's a sign it will be good for you. That doesn't mean all your time in Scripture should include your other half, but moving toward God together will make an observable difference in your lives. These tips outline how to spend purposeful time in God's Word with your spouse. 

Quality over quantity

Margin is the key to healthy patterns. Without margin, you'll never have your head fully "in the game" for any part of your life. Time management makes way for habits to click. When it comes to reading the Bible with your spouse, 20 minutes of focus every day will produce more fruit than sporadic hours-long read-throughs. Make a plan that is doable for you both, and commit to putting distractions aside. Instead of working through chapters at a time, share your honest thoughts on each passage before moving forward. When you disagree on interpretation, don't skip over it, even if it seems trivial. Hearing each other's differences in perspective will increase understanding and highlight areas you need to work on. 

Where do we begin? 

Whatever your experience reading the Bible, choosing a place to dive in may be daunting. There are reading plans specifically made for couples, which can lead you through a personal and challenging study together. If you'd rather pick a certain part of the Bible, here are a few great choices: 

The Gospels are always transformative to read, whether it's your first or hundredth time. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus portray what matters most to our lives and relationships. Exploring the details of the Gospel accounts with your partner will open you up to new, profound insight.

The book of Proverbs is all about wisdom. Reading through Proverbs will increase discernment and knowledge in your marriage. Discuss the verses that stick out to you, and write a few down on sticker notes for daily reminders.

Ephesians makes some powerful statements about marriage and relationships. In Ephesians 5, Paul pointedly talks about the purpose of marriage to reflect a spirit of service. This chapter will push you into an intentional conversation and is a great place to start evaluating how you can serve each other better.

Embrace spiritual intimacy 

"Two become one flesh" means so much more than a physical connection. Marriage is a beautiful design that showcases God's relational nature. You and your spouse have a spiritual bond that impacts every element of your relationship. Your walk with God isn't just between you and Jesus; your spouse is by your side. Practicing spiritual intimacy is central to giving your marriage an unbreakable, forward-moving foundation. When you trust each other while you trust God, you'll have a strong, united front against any of the challenges you'll face.

Written By

Attie Murphy

An avid writer since the age of 5, who loves to explore new ideas and places. Inspired by Jesus, books, and travel.

Published on May 22, 2023